Put the Art in Cart
With kids home from school and camp indefinitely, we are all eager for ideas...how are we going to keep them engaged and make the most of this unplanned time at home? Getting art supplies organized is a great way to inspire kids to spend time creating. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Go on a ‘hunt’ around the house to find all the art supplies (we find them in kitchens, playrooms, kids bedrooms and offices) and gather them in one place.
Sort into categories (and sub-categories): drawing, paper, activity books, adhesives, paint, craft sets, art creations, etc.
Pens and markers often dry out and clutter our supplies...kids can help ‘test’ and separate the good from the bad with a blank scrap of paper. Take note of what supplies inspire and excite your kids and create an accessible area of the basics using existing containers, bins or even Tupperware, Large Ziploc bags or serving trays. Remove unnecessary duplicates which can also add to the clutter and create an ‘overstock’ bag or bin to go to when something runs out. Sibling note: Usually one of each item or set is enough, but one per kid can help avoid unnecessary drama. In this case, put duplicate items in designated cases per kid.
In the organizing process, pull aside anything outgrown or that never piqued their interest...if you can’t convince them to try it now, it’s a good time to find a friend or neighbour who would be grateful for a new activity.
Review any art creations shuffled in with supplies, editing as you go. If you don’t already have a place (magnet or bulletin board) to display favourite art, you can use masking tape to put them up. Be selective as you pull aside other sentimental art...take a photo to keep a digital copy or use a keepsake box or binder.
The combined organizing and crafting should provide hours of entertainment!
Looking for more ways to get your kids involved in organizing projects and other housework? Check out Be.neat with Kids, our weekly blog series featuring a range of expert ideas for parents.
We put the art in cart using the IKEA Risatorp and smaller containers to hold a variety of categories of supplies!